Full Pink Moon (April 5th 2023) Wallpaper Bundle
Full Pink Moon (April 5th 2023) Wallpaper Bundle
Not because it will show as pink, but because April’s Full Moon corresponded to the pink moss phlox flowers blooming around during this time of the year. Other naming of April’s full Moon are: Frog Moon, Breaking Ice Moon, Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs, and Sucker Moon (notes time of the year of harvesting Sucker Fish).
Processing disclosures:
The Moon disc is tonight’s pink Moon, however the background is from October 1st 2020. The reason I merged that background to this image is because tonight the clouds were low, causing a lot of haze around the lunar disc. It’s rare to have high clouds on a full Moon in Virginia.
Wallpaper size:
PC: 6880 × 3836
Ipad: 2048 × 2732
Mobile: 2568 × 5556
Enjoy the stunning details of this wallpaper on all of your devices!